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The not-for-profit School of

OJAYA Deep Meditation Course

Armor Meditation

Ancients Secrets of
Deep Meditation

A Sword of Truth Lesson
by Sukaishi David

OJAYA Deep Meditation Course

The Ancient Anti-Anxiety

Woman in Blissful Mindfulness

The ancient meditation masters held a great secret: the natural, 100% organic solution to anxiety …

“I live with terrible anxiety on a daily basis. I’ve tried everything to become naturally calm without drugs. I’m wondering if my mind will ever be at peace?”

ANXIETY — when it pervades your life on a daily basis — is one of the most debilitating emotional concerns that could ever plague you.

Anxiety, tension, and nervousness are no newcomers — and no surprise in the frenzy and frazzle of our fast-paced digital age. Anxiety and nervousness are only increasing exponentially in people everywhere.

And by now you’ve probably tried everything to get rid of your anxiety …

  • Pills are a temporary fix — and they have dulling, unwanted side effects.
  • Talking about your anxiety doesn’t get rid of it — and sometimes makes it worse.
  • Guided meditations and “calming” apps offer only brief moments of short-term relaxation — which never permanently eradicate the deep roots of anxiety once and for all.

So, what to do?

Did this solution ever work to solve your Anxiety?

These days, many people are turning to mindfulness to cope with their anxiety.

The key word here is “cope” with anxiety.

Today’s watered-down versions of mindfulness — popularized and taught everywhere — contrast starkly with the true, classic techniques of deep meditation.

Let’s give an example:

“Coaxing” Your Mind
to be Calm ??

These days, many mindfulness teachers advise you to repeat words and phrases to coax your mind to become calm …

Let’s see what this popular book entitled Practicing Mindfulness has to say about getting rid of anxiety …

There’s a far better way
than what this book says.

Book cover: Practicing Mindfulness by Matthew Sockolov

To calm anxiety, this popular book recommends that you repeat the following phrases to yourself:

“May my mind be at ease.”

“May I be at ease with my mind.”

Continue repeating these phrases
until time is up.

Practicing Mindfulness, p. 116

This very method — repeating English WORDS and PHRASES to coax your mind to be calm — this has become a typical practice among many mindfulness schools these days.

But this is a tell-tale sign that the knowledge of true, authentic deep meditation has been lost in all these schools … because …

Anxiety is not resolved by pretty words …

Comforting words may provide a temporary relief — a distraction from your anxiety for a short time …

… but the anxiety is still lurking deep inside you and will soon return again.

Anxiety is not eradicated by whispering pretty words to yourself.

Mere words are very superficial, short-lived sugar pills.

Engaging yourself on a verbal level like this actually prevents you from diving deep — to go beyond words — into the vast ocean of calm serenity that is hidden deep within you.

Mere words — however pleasing — have no power to dissolve the deep roots of anxiety or to awaken your deepest inner potentials.

This idea to repeat words to yourself is a modern invention.

Consoling yourself with words has never been an authentic method of mindfulness nor a technique of deep meditation.

The ancient meditation masters knew a much more effective way …

View this graphic in landscape mode to see details:

Ojaya Deep Meditation empowers you with serene energy.

The Ancient OJAYA
Anxiety Solution

Whenever you are feeling anxious, there is a reason for it. There is a cause — deep within you — that makes you feel tense and nervous.

The ancient meditation masters taught that anxiety is the natural outcome whenever the harmony of your consciousness has become disturbed.

Like the tense, grating sounds of an orchestra that is out of tune, you will naturally feel nervous and anxious whenever your inner harmony is shattered.

To quickly dissolve and permanently eliminate the deep roots of anxiety — and restore your natural state of serene inner harmony — classic meditation masters advised deep meditation with powerful “Armor” mantras which penetrate deep to attack and eradicate the source of the anxiety.

OJAYA works on the principle of deep resonance. You will learn the easy, adept way to skillfully and effortlessly meditate with the rare, supremely potent OJAYA “Armor” mantra — which pulls you gently, deep within to attack and dissolve the very roots of anxiety.

View this graphic in landscape mode to see details:

The OJAYA Armor mantra does all the work for you.

OJAYA Deep Meditation
Course Graduate

“I came to Ojaya after years of reading, learning and practicing other meditations. They always felt false and I couldn’t keep it up.

As someone who seems to be wired for high anxiety, Ojaya resets and restores my body and mind. I may sit down swirling, anxious, angry and tight in my body. But when I’m done meditating, it’s all gone and I just go about my day in a centered groundedness. No swirling or anxiety or tension — even if I try to find it again, I can’t — it’s disappeared.

Ojaya is the easiest meditation that I have ever done, so simple to do anywhere I might need to. The whole “you can’t learn this from books” and “are you a monk?” really compelled me — also going inward instead of focusing outside on the breath which I never really bought. I was hearing things I had always said in my brain about other teachings but never articulated.

Being in the world and in tension-filled environments, life becomes simpler and easier after I meditate and I don’t pick up the (negative) energy like I used to. I have opened up and reignited passions that I once loved but had ignored or eliminated from my life since they were “too hard.” Now following my dreams and taking the next “right step” are as simple as breathing and meditating.”

— Jennifer Szescula
Lewisville, North Carolina

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Course Graduate

There was one very deep emotional scar I couldn’t get rid of for years. It bothered me almost every night and Ojaya cleaned it right out.

I wish I had known about this long ago, it really would have been a game changer.”
— Stewart Lewis, Zanesville, Ohio
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Woman in Blissful Mindfulness

OJAYA goes deep where mindful methods cannot reach.

Modern-day mindfulness also emphasizes that you should “observe” and “accept” the anxiety. “Just watch it.”

However, you may have found this approach also doesn’t work very well.

This basic idea to “observe” and “accept” anxiety is good advice, but it’s not nearly enough.

This “acceptance” approach contrasts sharply with the OJAYA “Armor” technique, where you learn to actively dissolve and permanently resolve the anxiety at its deepest roots.

Mindfulness =
“Observe & Accept”
the anxiety.

OJAYA Deep Meditation =
“Dissolve & Resolve”
the anxiety.

Modern-day mindful methods — by their very nature — simply do not give you the depth or power to reach deep into your consciousness to uproot and eradicate anxiety at its root cause.

Learn how the deep rest of samadhi dissolves anxiety with the OJAYA “Armor” technique. See Why Mindfulness isn’t Deep Meditation and watch the video clip below:

Watch this 3-minute clip
from the Course:

Take the Course.

On the OJAYA Deep Meditation Mastery Course, you’ll learn the OJAYA “Armor” technique, a rare, powerful anti-anxiety meditation that quickly restores you to a natural state of deep calm. You develop an “Armor” of serene energy that shields and protects you from the stresses and tensions of everyday living.

The classic, closely-guarded technique of OJAYA is an ancient gift that you will not find in any other meditation school anywhere.

We invite you to experience the deep calm of OJAYA for yourself, and to enroll in the OJAYA Deep Meditation Course — see below — right now during our “Open-Door” enrollment period.

You’ll learn the ancient solution to permanently eradicate the deep roots of anxiety deep within you.

Are you ready to begin?

Take a deep breath … 

and go to enroll below …

Man who feels anxious, depressed, and stressed
Even beginners who take the OJAYA online course quickly develop an “Armor” of deep peace — that far surpasses decades of guided meditations, watching the breath, or other mindful practices.

Are you ready to
begin the adventure?

Take the Course.

Start now free
. . . register below . . .

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We're real live people who volunteer our time to bring peace of mind to a frazzled world.

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Begin the Course

Top 10 Reasons
why people learned the

Deep Meditation

"Armor" Technique

I was attacked by ANXIETY
and STRESSSolve this

I was tired and DEPRESSED. 
Solve this

I needed deep, restful,
rejuvenating SLEEP.  Learn how

I was exhausted from work. I needed ENERGY and SUCCESS for more leisure time.  Here's how

I needed anti-aging HEALTH and HEALING ... with renewed YOUTHFUL vitality.  See how

I always got bored when I would
try to WATCH my BREATHSolve this

GUIDED meditations quickly evaporate. They never gave me permanent PEACE of mind.  Learn why

I got frustrated trying to be MINDFUL all the time; I just wanted calm, effortless presence.  View special Lesson on MINDFULNESS

I wanted to open
my HEART.  Learn how

10 I was finally ready for deep
INNER AWAKENING.  Learn the secret

The OJAYA Deep Meditation Course — lovingly featured in:

Are you ready for deep,
blissful meditation?

Learn the rare, closely-guarded
ancient secrets of

Take this Course.
Start now free.


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The not-for-profit School of

D e e p   "A r m o r"
M  e  d  i  t  a  t  i  o  n

Pause . . . take a breath . . .

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pages on our site?

The not-for-profit School of

D e e p   “A r m o r”
M  e  d  i  t  a  t  i  o  n

OJAYA is profoundly different from
any practice you’ve done before.

From our online rainforest classroom, our school is run by volunteers who bring deep inner awakening of Self to sincere seekers from around the world.

We now invite YOU to learn the rare, ancient and supremely potent OJAYA Deep Meditation "Armor" technique — for unshakable peace of mind and clear, calm energy to support dynamic success in your everyday life.

Our site contains a treasure trove of closely-guarded meditation teachings that you will not find elsewhere. Take your time to relax, enjoy, and be deliciously mindful of each page.

More ancient wisdom to explore . . .

Be Empowered:

You are here
Anti-Anxiety Meditation

Youthful Aging

Defeat Depression

Blissful Sleep

Energy for Success

Heart Awakening

Higher Consciousness &


OJAYA = Healing Energy

Watch Students Tell Their Stories of
Strength & Recovery with the OJAYA
"Armor" Meditation Technique:

James   /   Ramon   /   Marisa
  /   Vicki