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The not-for-profit School of OJAYA Deep Meditation

OJAYA Deep Meditation Course

Armor Meditation Course

The ancient anti-stress, anti-anxiety meditation for serene energy and

Youthful Aging.

Sukaishi David

Master Sensei of the OJAYA
School of Deep Meditation

As stress dissolves, aging slows ...

How old is Sukaishi David?? You'll find out when you enroll in our free OJAYA Foundation Lessons.

A Calm Mind for Serene
Youthful Aging

OJAYA is Anti-Stress,
Anti-Aging Meditation

W e all know how stress is the #1 contributor to rapid aging.

In fact, stress ages us quickly because it wears us down in many unhealthy ways:

Stress symptoms

Yet we are surrounded by stress from all sides in our daily activities.

What to do?

The ancient meditation masters had a solution.

They knew a powerful Armor Meditation technique to quickly dissolve stress . . . which creates an "Armor" of serene energy that also shields and protects you from any new stresses entering your system.

As you silently meditate with the OJAYA "Armor" technique, your breathing and your heart rate slow down into a state of deep relaxation and restfulness ...

Throughout your 10-20 minutes of OJAYA Deep Meditation, this soothing state of deep rest attacks and dissolves the anxieties and tensions that have accumulated within you — as you are quickly rejuvenated with fresh, new energies.

With daily sittings, you develop an Armor of serene energy and core inner strength.

Stress no longer builds up to become the foundation for various ailments. Wear and tear is vastly reduced for body, mind and emotions — and your natural healing energies are strengthened.

This is the technique of OJAYA Deep Meditation — the most powerful, soothing antidote to stress and anxiety — and the 100% natural, organic way to dramatically slow the aging process.

Easy to learn and simple to practice, you'll feel for yourself how OJAYA dramatically contributes to healthy, youthful aging.

"With an armor of serene energy, stresses just wash off you ... like a rainshower."
— Sukaishi David

We invite you to start free (see below) and enjoy the OJAYA Deep Meditation Course — right now during our "Open-Door" enrollment period.

You'll learn how to effortlessly develop your own inner "Armor" of calm serenity ... to shield and protect you from the ravaging aging effects of stress in your daily life ...

Woman practices OJAYA anti-aging meditation method

OJAYA Deep Meditation
Course Graduates:

This is truly a treasure I didn't expect to discover.
— Elizabeth, Kansas City, Missouri
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Are you ready to
begin the adventure?

Take the Course.

Start now free
. . . register below . . .

Got questions?

We've got answers!

We're real live people who volunteer our time to bring peace of mind to a frazzled world.

Call us now:

(in USA)

Text us:

Begin the Course

Top 10 Reasons
why people learned the

Deep Meditation

"Armor" Technique

I was attacked by ANXIETY
and STRESSSolve this

I was tired and DEPRESSED. 
Solve this

I needed deep, restful,
rejuvenating SLEEP.  Learn how

I was exhausted from work. I needed ENERGY and SUCCESS for more leisure time.  Here's how

I needed anti-aging HEALTH and HEALING ... with renewed YOUTHFUL vitality.  See how

I always got bored when I would
try to WATCH my BREATHSolve this

GUIDED meditations quickly evaporate. They never gave me permanent PEACE of mind.  Learn why

I got frustrated trying to be MINDFUL all the time; I just wanted calm, effortless presence.  View special Lesson on MINDFULNESS

I wanted to open
my HEART.  Learn how

10 I was finally ready for deep
INNER AWAKENING.  Learn the secret

Learn more:


Adventure through
these pages ...


OJAYA Armor Meditation

Home page

You Are
21 Ancient Secrets
The Story
Take the Course

Start free

The OJAYA Deep Meditation Course — lovingly featured in:

Are you ready for deep,
blissful meditation?

Learn the rare, closely-guarded
ancient secrets of

We'll share with you this ancient OJAYA Armor Meditation technique . . .
. . . if you will pause . . .
. . . take a breath . . .

. . . and learn with gratitude.


Register free

The not-for-profit School of

D e e p   "A r m o r"
M  e  d  i  t  a  t  i  o  n

We'll share with you this ancient OJAYA Armor Meditation technique . . .
. . . if you will pause . . .
. . . take a breath . . .

. . . and learn with gratitude.

Register FREE

Have you explored all these
pages on our site?

The not-for-profit School of

D e e p   “A r m o r”
M  e  d  i  t  a  t  i  o  n

OJAYA is profoundly different from
any practice you’ve done before.

From our online rainforest classroom, our school is run by volunteers who bring deep inner awakening of Self to sincere seekers from around the world.

We now invite YOU to learn the rare, ancient and supremely potent OJAYA Deep Meditation "Armor" technique — for unshakable peace of mind and clear, calm energy to support dynamic success in your everyday life.

Our site contains a treasure trove of closely-guarded meditation teachings that you will not find elsewhere. Take your time to relax, enjoy, and be deliciously mindful of each page.

More ancient wisdom to explore . . .

Be Empowered:

OJAYA = Healing Energy

Watch Students Tell Their Stories of
Strength & Recovery with the OJAYA
"Armor" Meditation Technique:

James   /   Ramon   /   Marisa
  /   Vicki