Call: 641-472-3300
Text: 641-472-7700


Our school is funded by your enrollments. Our policy is that we do not actively solicit donations from our Students outside of our course fees.

However, if a sponsor or benefactor feels in their heart that they wish to assist further with our mission at the Ojaya Dharma Sangha, we will gladly welcome and honor their support.

Your donation of any amount is honored and appreciated, and will be used wisely. Founding Members are listed by name in our permanent Register unless you prefer to be unlisted.

Donate here

Or become a Founding Member below.

Or mail your check to:

The OJAYA Dharma Sangha
P.O. Box 1
Batavia, Iowa 52533

Your contribution grows our School.
Thank you for your support!

The OJAYA Dharma Sangha is a 501b nonprofit association registered in the state of Iowa.

OJAYA Dharma Sangha =
“People of the Ojaya Sacred Way of Truth, Righteousness and Spiritual Awakening”

Guardian Angels

Gary Frederick Boucherle
David Lucas Burge
AEMP, Inc.
Fruitwood Manor, LLC
Lakshmi Narasimha, LLC
Jacob Orlando Perez

Bronze Benefactors

Vicki Jenkins
Jennifer Szescula


Anne-Aurélie Abecassis
Rebecca Adler
Alba Ambert
Ralph Atkins
Hermes Banguid
Ute Beard
Ana Beaudoin
Stacey Belcher
Lu Bernstein
Richard Blanda
James Blough
Nick Bobay
Joan Booth
Richard Bosworth
Udhaya Brooks
Ani Buk
Britt Burns
Sheryl Burt
Peter Caffrey
Jo Carter
Clayton Conrad
Marie Corbin
Cathy Costner
Douglas Cripe
Nicholas Dahar
Christina Danielewicz
Katherine Daugherty
Mark Decklar
Joe Deegan
Dena Deyoung
Laura Downey
Ellaina Dreifach
Tina Evans

Kay Fontana
Belia Franko
Marcos Gallo
Lynn George
Mary T Gerardy
Zoe Gordon
Virginia Graham
Garfield Grandison
Vicky Hinger
Jeanne Hobson
Alexander Hopster
Cristina Intzes
Suzy Jeppesen
Marsha Johnson
Beatriz Kamps
Birgit Kamps
John LeBlanc
Michael Lee
Stewart Lewis
Jeffrey Liberman
Meg Mann
Alain Massé
Loren Meissner
John Misita
Barbara Moy
Karen Musselman
Lee Nolan
Wolfgang Oberleitner
Sam Orsich
Margo Parker
Alva Peña
José Pérez Mateos

Ann Peterson
Bianca Powell
Lena Pruner
Koganti Rao
Jennifer Richardson
Raul Rodriguez
April Rolfe
Jim Rosati
Sandra Rotunda
Manou Schreiner
James Scott
Denise Shaw
David Sheer
Katie Sirrine
Teresa Stanford
Christine Stehman
Frank Stramaglia
Jennifer Szescula
Dorothy Thompson
Henrique Tischler
Kevin Ure
Katherine Vessenes
Raia Vicolov
Sharon Vitella
Barbara A Weller
Vicky Wenzlau
Tim Williams
Gina Woods
Matthew Zadak
Erika Zemmol
Megan Zielinski
Arthur Zirnheld

OJAYA Founding Members have contributed above and beyond their Course donations.

Become a
Founding Member

Founding Member
Support Levels

Founding Member: $500
donate here

Founding Member / Bronze Benefactor: $1000
donate here

Founding Member / Silver Benefactor: $2500
donate here

Founding Member / Gold Benefactor: $5000
donate here

Founding Member /
Guardian Angel: $10,000
donate here

Or donate any amount of your choice: donate here

Or mail your check to:

The OJAYA Dharma Sangha
P.O. Box 1
Batavia, Iowa 52533

If you are already a Founding Member and you wish to upgrade your sponsorship, we invite you to make an additional donation here or contact us.

“Where there’s a will
there’s a way.”

Please consider remembering
The OJAYA Dharma Sangha” in your will for the benefit of those who will live long after us.

Together, we are creating a rare legacy of ancient wisdom for future generations.

Other Ways to Serve & Contribute

Spread the word! Encourage someone you care about to take the OJAYA Foundation Lessons (free) to find out more.

Spread the word! Write something on Facebook or other social media. This helps out a lot!

Send us your quote or quick video that we can post on our site.

Or just enroll in your next Ojaya Course and continue the journey! Your Course donation also contributes as well — check your “My Courses” page to see your options.

When you point someone onto the path of Dharma, all the benefits they receive return also to you. As you sow, you reap.
— Sukaishi David

Got questions?

We've got answers!

We're real live people who volunteer our time to bring peace of mind to a frazzled world.

Call us now:

(in USA)

Text us:

Begin the Course

The not-for-profit School of

D e e p   "A r m o r"
M  e  d  i  t  a  t  i  o  n

We'll share with you this ancient OJAYA Armor Meditation technique . . .
. . . if you will pause . . .
. . . take a breath . . .

. . . and learn with gratitude.

Register FREE

Have you explored all these
pages on our site?

The not-for-profit School of

D e e p   “A r m o r”
M  e  d  i  t  a  t  i  o  n

OJAYA is profoundly different from
any practice you’ve done before.

From our online rainforest classroom, our school is run by volunteers who bring deep inner awakening of Self to sincere seekers from around the world.

We now invite YOU to learn the rare, ancient and supremely potent OJAYA Deep Meditation "Armor" technique — for unshakable peace of mind and clear, calm energy to support dynamic success in your everyday life.

Our site contains a treasure trove of closely-guarded meditation teachings that you will not find elsewhere. Take your time to relax, enjoy, and be deliciously mindful of each page.

More ancient wisdom to explore . . .

Be Empowered:

OJAYA = Healing Energy

Watch Students Tell Their Stories of
Strength & Recovery with the OJAYA
"Armor" Meditation Technique:

James   /   Ramon   /   Marisa
  /   Vicki