The not-for-profit School of OJAYA
Welcome to a brand new adventure to bless all your days in the coming year.

Course Trailer:
Learn the Master Keys to Peace of Mind, an Abundant Life, and the Kingdom of Heaven Within You.
A Step by Step Journey to Discover Who You Are, Why You’re Here . . . and Where You’re Going Next

Glimpse this partial list of topics
that Sukaishi will cover in great detail:
On our unique spiritual journey together, we’ll explore:
How to Fulfill Your Desires
What is “the Peace that Passes All Understanding”?
What is “Enlightenment” — really? The Myths vs. Correct Knowledge
What are the genuine experiences of higher levels of Awakening — and the true paths to get there?
How spiritual development is intimately linked to outer abundance in day-to-today living
Who — or What — is God?
Do you believe in God?
What do you believe — and why??
How many of your beliefs are fantasies?
The Huge Difference between “Salvation” and “Enlightenment”
Why it’s so hard to see beyond your own ideas and fantasies — and see the blissful Reality for what it is.
Do your beliefs make something real?
Do your beliefs even matter?
What is the purpose of life?
What is YOUR purpose?
What is Heaven? What is Hell? Do they really exist?
Do angels exist?
Who was Jesus, what did he really teach — and did he ever actually live in India?
How Do Eastern Teachings Harmonize with Christianity and Other Religions?
How can a loving God allow evil?
The Different Grades of Love and Compassion
What is Karma — and how to get out of the grips of suffering?
Why do you have a particular aliment, and why are you facing difficult situations?
Is reincarnation real? If so, what is the proof?
What is the true experience of higher levels of Awakening?
What are the highest goals and deepest purpose of authentic deep meditation practices?
The Path of Dharma: The Common vs. the Adept Paths of Spiritual Development
Miracles and Special Powers of Consciousness that Come to You Only When You’re Ready to Receive Them
Who are you — really??
Why are you here?
And . . . where are you going next?
The Eternal Secret to Happiness — Here, Hereafter . . . and Forevermore
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The not-for-profit School of

D e e p "A r m o r"
M e d i t a t i o n
We'll share with you this ancient OJAYA Armor Meditation technique . . .
. . . if you will pause . . .
. . . take a breath . . .
. . . and learn with gratitude.
Register FREE
Have you explored all these
pages on our site?
The not-for-profit School of

D e e p “A r m o r”
M e d i t a t i o n
OJAYA is profoundly different from
any practice you’ve done before.
From our online rainforest classroom, our school is run by volunteers who bring deep inner awakening of Self to sincere seekers from around the world.
We now invite YOU to learn the rare, ancient and supremely potent OJAYA Deep Meditation "Armor" technique — for unshakable peace of mind and clear, calm energy to support dynamic success in your everyday life.
Our site contains a treasure trove of closely-guarded meditation teachings that you will not find elsewhere. Take your time to relax, enjoy, and be deliciously mindful of each page.
More ancient wisdom to explore . . .
Be Empowered:
Higher Consciousness &
OJAYA = Healing Energy