Terms and Conditions:
The OJAYA Honor Policies
In ancient times, a student was accepted into a meditation school with great honor, and the student also showed the same honor and respect to the teacher and the School. Here at our School in the Earthborn Rainforest, we maintain these same traditional values.
Use of the ojaya.com website, all OJAYA videos and associated Course materials (either physical or online, collectively known as the "Content") constitutes your Agreement to honor the OJAYA Teachings and to safeguard the knowledge and Content that you receive, and to abide by these Terms and Conditions at all times both during and after your use of our web site and/or Course Content, including use of our Content which may appear elsewhere than on our website at ojaya.com.
Please feel free to watch and enjoy the OJAYA Prep Course (the OJAYA "Prep Talks" — Foundation Lessons) with all your family, friends, and loved ones. It's wonderful to share this knowledge with people you care for.
In contrast, the OJAYA Deep Meditation Core Course (and any other Content and advanced Content) is for your personal and private use only, exclusively for enrolled students, unless specified otherwise. You agree at all times not to share, teach, disclose, copy, record, transmit, post or publish the Content, whether online, verbally or in any other manner whatsoever, which includes but is not limited to the sharing or teaching of the Ojaya Armor mantra or the instructions for its use.
Our School holds to the ancient, traditional ways of teaching, therefore, our Courses and Content are never available for sale or purchase for private ownership. All OJAYA / Earthborn Rainforest videos, Content and teaching materials remain at all times the property of the Ojaya School (The Ojaya Dharma Sangha) and are licensed for your personal use within specific terms and timeframes.
For each Course, we typically provide our wonderful Students with a generous Course enrollment period of 1 full year (unless otherwise specified), accessed from our online classroom (also called your online "seat" for that specific Course). After Course expiration, you can always purchase an extension for a nominal fee if you desire.
As per our traditional guidelines, you agree that you will not record, duplicate, store, transmit or copy any OJAYA video, Course materials, or other Content, including but not limited to meetings by Zoom, Skype or phone, even if such is intended for your own personal use. You agree to access all Course materials only through our website at ojaya.com or other venues (such as Zoom) where we specifically authorize and elect to disseminate our Content. (As a rare exception, we may from time to time offer an audio or video which you may download, retain, and store on your own device, which is clearly and specifically licensed for your own personal use. In this case, this audio or video remains at all times the property of the OJAYA School, and must be deleted from your device upon license expiration or any infraction of these Honor Policies.)
Monthly Payment Plan Enrollment:
If you enroll in any Course with a monthly payment plan, you agree to honor this arrangement and to continue making your monthly payments in a timely manner until your enrollment fee (enrollment donation) is fully paid. Please understand that as a not-for-profit organization, we rely on your enrollment fee to fund our school.
21-Day Trial Enrollment:
When you enroll in the OJAYA Deep Meditation Core Course with a 21-Day Trial Enrollment, we invite you to watch all videos listed as free for 21 days on our enrollment page.
Enjoy the Core Course Intro and first four Lessons with our blessings (view summaries of your Lessons and all Course Contents on our enrollment page). Take one Lesson per day, or go at a more leisurely pace if you choose — it's up to you.
We trust by now you've fallen deeply in love with the OJAYA Deep Meditation teachings — a rare, blissful, classic wisdom you've never heard before.
Otherwise ...
... feel free to drop your enrollment at this time and you will receive a FULL REFUND of your Course fee — just notify us within 21 days of your enrollment.
Or, if you decide you'll keep your enrollment and continue onwards to Lesson 5 and beyond:
You'll now master the OJAYA Armor Mantra and the authentic OJAYA Deep Meditation Technique. Sukaishi David will meet with you personally during the Course via phone, Skype, Facetime or Zoom— to see how you're doing and to check if you have any questions.
When you have completed the entire OJAYA Deep Meditation Core Course ... and you have experienced the power and calm, blissful depths of the OJAYA Armor Technique for yourself, you will then receive your OJAYA Title of Honor Certificate — to certify your mastery of the ancient OJAYA Martial Art of Deep Meditation.
You'll also receive a personal, private Graduation Session with Sukaishi David — via phone, Skype, Facetime or Zoom — where you will have yet another opportunity to share your experiences and ask any remaining questions you might have.
Personal, Private Support from Sukaishi David
Your OJAYA Deep Meditation Core Course includes personal support from Sukaishi David throughout your OJAYA training. After graduating this Course, you will continue to receive free support for an additional 10 days. After this, you may book a personal consultation with Sukaishi (see student-support).
Additional Terms & Conditions:
We feel grateful when we see that our OJAYA course participants honor and respect our Content and these traditional Teachings. And in like manner we honor and respect our Course Participants. So to be extra transparent and clear, we also list these points:
Severability Clause: Should any sentence, phrase or portion of these Honor Policies (Terms and Conditions) on this page be deemed legally of no effect, then the remaining parts and spirit of these Terms and Conditions shall remain fully intact. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by the laws of the State of Iowa.
If you make a request to drop (cancel) a Course enrollment, but later change your mind and decide to continue onwards with the Course, this is no problem and you may do so without notifying us; in this case your cancellation request will be nullified and you are free to continue onwards with the Course with the same payment plan and refund privileges that you had initiated upon your original enrollment. A student is entitled to one refund request as per our 21-Day Happiness Pledge as outlined on our site; once a refund is requested and fees are refunded, if a student decides to re-enroll at a later date, the 21-Day refund option will be no longer valid due to the previous refund that was granted. Any request to cancel any Course enrollment which is no longer eligible for a refund will result in a single, final and immediate charge of all outstanding monthly payments for that Course (paid through any method we have on file for that student), which will thus list that Course as "paid in full, account closed" in our system. Any enrollment in any Course other than the OJAYA Core Course is nonrefundable unless specifically stated otherwise. For purposes of these Terms and Conditions, all "fees" and "payments" mentioned herein are classified as "donations" on our website, however, these three terms shall be defined as identical.
The OJAYA Deep Meditation "Armor" Technique is ancient knowledge for the purpose of uplifting the individual and supporting their happiness and wellbeing. We regularly receive feedback from course participants around the world that attest to the peace, serenity and countless benefits of the technique. If anyone believes they have a physical or mental disability that would prevent them from practicing and benefitting from the simple OJAYA technique, they are advised to consult their healthcare professional. All Content is given for educational purposes only. No Content at any time is to be construed as medical advice or as a substitute for professional counseling or healthcare. In case you would ever feel that the OJAYA technique has not bestowed upon you the desired results when practiced according to the given instructions, you agree that the sole resolution would be to discontinue the practice and receive a cancellation and/or refund of your course enrollment fee(s) in accordance with and as permitted by our above policies. In return for use of our web site, learning the OJAYA technique, and receiving any and all Content, you further agree to waive any and all claims against the Ojaya School, its owners, officers, employees and all associated entities and organizations (collectively known as the Organization), and to indemnify and hold harmless the Organization for any and all such claims. In no case will the Organization be liable to an individual or other entity for more than the enrollment fees paid for the most recently enrolled course.
Good Standing: We cherish Honor of Tradition at our School. To use our Content, web site, and/or maintain enrollment in any Course, you must have Good Standing. Good Standing is defined as your agreement, promise, pledge and action that you will honor and not disparage the Teachings (the Content), the School, its teachers, staff and affiliates either during or after your enrollment and abide by all these Terms & Conditions (Honor Policies). Furthermore, Good Standing also requires that a student is subscribed to School emails, and that the School maintains a valid and active email address and telephone number for that student, and the student agrees that the School may contact the student via email, text message and regular mail. For Courses other than the OJAYA Prep Course (Foundation Lessons) a valid current physical address must also be maintained on file. Unsubscribing from School emails; refusal of contact; noncontact or nonparticipation in Courses for more than two years; these result in a loss of Good Standing. To agree and act according to this paragraph will result in Good Standing, and to act in any way contrary will result in loss of Good Standing. Although we would not enjoy doing so, a loss of Good Standing will cause one to be removed without refund from the School. In addition, we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.
In the event of a violation of these Honor Policies (Terms and Conditions), Abuse, loss of Good Standing or unlawful use of Content, you agree that we reserve the right to immediately and simultaneously: revoke any OJAYA Title of Honor, revoke access to the Content and all enrollments; revoke any rights to our Free Trial Enrollment, Happiness Pledge, or other refund policy; revoke any special enrollment, discount enrollment offer pricing and/or monthly pay plan; collect the Standard Enrollment rate as displayed on our enrollment page; collect all costs of present and/or future collection and/or legal costs and damages related to a violation of these Terms and Conditions. A Violation of these Honor Polices (Terms and Conditions) and/or Abuse shall be defined as any of the following: any violation of these Terms and Conditions; any attempt to wrongfully use our site or Content that is contrary to its intended purpose; a scheduled payment due that remains unpaid by more than seven days; any attempt to cheat or procure the Content without proper and honorable payment of the enrollment fees; any refund request that is not authorized or is in violation of the spirit and intent of these Terms and Conditions. Our School relies on Course fees/donations to fund our mission. If any monthly payment fails, we must access an additional fifteen-dollar maintenance charge for that month. If an unauthorized chargeback occurs, or if an authorized payment plan is cancelled by the student, it requires us a lot of extra work; in such cases we must access a one-hundred-fifty-dollar bookkeeping/maintenance fee in addition to the outstanding balances on the account.
Meetings by Phone, Zoom, Skype, WhatsApp, In Person or Other Meetings: Your enrollment or participation in our School generally includes Meetings with Sukaishi David or others. You agree you will not record these Meetings, even for your own personal use. Meetings that are one-to-one, personal and private with Sukaishi David are also not recorded even by our School.
Group Meetings will generally be recorded by our School and are considered as Content of the School and thus remain the property of the School. If you are seen or speak at a group Meeting that is recorded, you hereby give the School all rights to use this Meeting recording in any manner without compensation to you. If you wish to not be recorded at an online group Meeting (for example, via Zoom), then we invite you to keep your camera off and attend without speaking. Texting, chatting, feedback, emails and other written communications to the School follow these same policies in this paragraph as Meetings. We also invite you to submit questions, comments and feedback anonymously if you prefer to be anonymous.
We appreciate donations, which further our mission. We are a 501b nonprofit association registered in the state of Iowa. You can donate and/or become a Founding Member on our donations page. Founding Members are nonvoting supporters of our mission both locally and internationally.
These Terms and Conditions may be updated at any time without notice. You agree to adhere to the most current Terms and Conditions that were in effect at any time during your enrollment and/or use of our web site or Content, and you waive your right to be notified of such changes.
You wholeheartedly reaffirm and agree that by use of our web site and/or Content you will abide by these Terms and Conditions with due honor and respect.
We warmly welcome you to your Earthborn Rainforest online classroom to learn the rare OJAYA Armor Technique! And we thank you for your honor, respect and support of these ancient OJAYA teachings.
©MMXXV by the Ojaya Dharma Sangha