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The not-for-profit School of

OJAYA Deep Meditation Course

Armor Meditation

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Ojaya Deep Meditation Course

Why are people around the world flocking online to learn?

Woman in Blissful Mindfulness

Anti-Anxiety Meditation

Q. “I live with terrible anxiety on a daily basis. I’ve tried everything to become naturally calm without drugs. I’m wondering if my mind will ever be at peace?”

A. The ancient meditation masters held a great secret: the natural, 100% organic solution to anxiety …

The Ancient
Anxiety Solution

Woman in Blissful Mindfulness

“I’m a Beginner”

Q. “I’m new to meditation. I want to learn the most powerful, super easy technique that gives me quick energy, cool emotional balance and deep inner calm — but I don’t have a lot of time in my day.”

A. OJAYA is easy and simple for everybody. In fact, it’s easier to teach new beginners than people who have struggled with other techniques!

Here’s why:

Deep Meditation
for Beginners

Woman in Blissful Mindfulness

“I’m a Beginner”

Q. “I’m a new beinner to meditation. I want to learn the most powerful, super easy meditation technique that gives me quick energy, cool emotional balance and deep inner calm.”

A. OJAYA is easy and simple for everybody. In fact, it’s easier to teach new beginners than people who have struggled with other techniques!

Here’s why:
Deep Meditation
for Beginners

Woman in Blissful Mindfulness

Meditation for Depression

Q. “I’m tired and depressed. My energy level is low and I’m not motivated to do anything — even meditation. There’s little joy or happiness in my daily life and I just feel exhausted all the time. I want my life back.

Can OJAYA really help me?

A. The ancient meditation masters were masters of life energy …

The Energy of Bliss Defeats
Lethargy & Depression

Woman in Blissful Mindfulness

Meditation for Depression

Q. “I’m tired and depressed. My energy level is low and I’m not motivated to do anything — even meditation. There’s little joy or happiness in my daily life and I just feel exhausted all the time. Can OJAYA really help me?

A. The ancient meditation masters were masters of life energy …

The Energy of Bliss Defeats
Lethargy & Depression

Woman in Blissful Mindfulness

Anti-Anxiety Meditation

Q. “I live with terrible anxiety on a daily basis. I’ve tried everything to become naturally calm without drugs. I’m wondering if my mind will ever be at peace?”

A. The ancient meditation masters held a great secret: the natural, 100% organic solution to anxiety …

The Ancient
Anxiety Solution

Deep, Restful Sleep

Q. “I just want to sleep well at night.
I’m tired of being tired.”

A. Calm the mind chatter, and you’ll sleep in heavenly peace.

OJAYA is Total Rest

Healing & Youthful Aging

Q.“Stress takes a toll on my health and is aging me quickly. How does OJAYA create an armor of serenity that will protect me from the stresses of life?”

A. OJAYA means “strength” — and its specialty is that it’s the most powerful anti-stress, anti-aging meditation you’ll find anywhere …

Meditation for Healing &
Youthful Aging

Deep, Restful Sleep

Q. “I just want to sleep well at night. I’m tired of being tired.”

A. Calm the mind chatter, and you’ll sleep in heavenly peace.

OJAYA is Total Rest

Time & Energy for Success

Q. “I feel like I’m way too busy to meditate! The stress of making a living wears me down. I’d like to work smarter and achieve more in my business and my life. I want more energy and peace of mind — and more quality time with my family.”

A. The secret of success is …

Are You Too Busy
to Meditate?

Energy for Success

Q. “I want to work smarter and achieve more in my business and my life. The stress of making a living wears me down. I want more energy and peace of mind — and more quality time with my family.”

A. The secret of success is …

The Secret
of Success

Breath Meditations

Q. “I want peace of mind, but I always get bored when I try to watch my breath. What am I doing wrong?

A. Maybe you’re going in the wrong direction …

Watching the Breath

Searching for the “Now”

Q. “I’m searching for my power in the “Now” — but it’s very elusive. It’s hard for me to stay in the present moment. Whenever I find it, I quickly lose it again. I want to access the power of my full potential.

A. You may need to rethink your strategy with meditation …

Go Beyond the “Now”

Guided Meditations

Q. “I’ve already done many different guided meditations. What’s so special about OJAYA?”

A. It’s time to be self-empowered and be your own guide.

Why OJAYA Deep Meditation isn’t a
Guided Meditation

Guided Meditations

Q. “I want much more than what I experience with guided meditations.”

A. It’s time to be self-empowered and be your own guide.

Why OJAYA Deep Meditation isn’t a
Guided Meditation


Q. “I practice mindfulness, but I never go very deep. I still wrestle with anxiety and trying to be “present.” I want to end my struggles with trying to be mindful. I just want deep, blissful inner peace. Can OJAYA give me what I’m seeking?”

A. Mindfulness and meditation are two distinctly different practices … and each bears different fruits …

Why Mindfulness isn’t
Deep Meditation


Q. “I want to end my struggles with trying to be mindful. I just want deep, blissful inner peace. Can OJAYA give me what I’m seeking?”

A. Mindfulness and meditation are two distinctly different practices … and each bears different fruits …

Why Mindfulness isn’t
Deep Meditation

An Open Heart

Q. “I want to open my heart. I want selfless compassion that flows deep in my soul. This is what meditation means to me.”

A. Here’s a typical OJAYA experience …

The Heart
of Compassion

An Open Heart

Q. “I want to open my heart. I want selfless compassion that flows deep in my soul. This is what meditation means to me.”

A. Here’s a typical OJAYA experience …

The Heart
of Compassion

“I’m ready for an inner awakening.”

Q. “I’m a bit jaded. I’ve been around the block with other meditations and mindfulness techniques. Now I want to take everything I know to the next level. I want to stop talking about it and finally experience a true deep inner awakening.”

A. We’ve hear this same story endlessly. Problem solved …

Deeper Meditation

Are you doing “monk” meditation?

Aare you unknowingly practicing a meditation technique that’s actually intended for monks?

Monk Meditation

Be inspired!

Watch these


Stories of Hope
and Healing

Stroke, coma and paralyzed

Coma and paralyzed

Hashimoto’s disease

“I’m ready for an inner awakening.”

Q. “Ive tried other meditation and mindfulness techniques — and nothing has ever really worked for me. I want true, authentic, deep, blissful meditation. I’ve become jaded.”

A. We’ve hear this same story endlessly. Problem solved …

Deeper Meditation

Got questions?

We've got answers!

We're real live people who volunteer our time to bring peace of mind to a frazzled world.

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(in USA)

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Begin the Course

The OJAYA Deep Meditation Course — lovingly featured in:

Are you ready for deep,
blissful meditation?

Learn the rare, closely-guarded
ancient secrets of

We'll share with you this ancient OJAYA Armor Meditation technique . . .
. . . if you will pause . . .
. . . take a breath . . .

. . . and learn with gratitude.


Register free

The not-for-profit School of

D e e p   "A r m o r"
M  e  d  i  t  a  t  i  o  n

We'll share with you this ancient OJAYA Armor Meditation technique . . .
. . . if you will pause . . .
. . . take a breath . . .

. . . and learn with gratitude.

Register FREE

Have you explored all these
pages on our site?

The not-for-profit School of

D e e p   “A r m o r”
M  e  d  i  t  a  t  i  o  n

OJAYA is profoundly different from
any practice you’ve done before.

From our online rainforest classroom, our school is run by volunteers who bring deep inner awakening of Self to sincere seekers from around the world.

We now invite YOU to learn the rare, ancient and supremely potent OJAYA Deep Meditation "Armor" technique — for unshakable peace of mind and clear, calm energy to support dynamic success in your everyday life.

Our site contains a treasure trove of closely-guarded meditation teachings that you will not find elsewhere. Take your time to relax, enjoy, and be deliciously mindful of each page.

More ancient wisdom to explore . . .

Be Empowered:

OJAYA = Healing Energy

Watch Students Tell Their Stories of
Strength & Recovery with the OJAYA
"Armor" Meditation Technique:

James   /   Ramon   /   Marisa
  /   Vicki