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The not-for-profit School of

OJAYA Deep Meditation Course

Armor Meditation

OJAYA - the Martial Art of Deep Meditation - the Way of the Lotus-Hearted Hero

— 100% Online Armor Meditation Course —

Girl meditating: Will you fall in love with this ancient, deeply, calming, blissful meditation?
Ojaya Deep Meditation Course

Your first Lesson
is below …

German man practicing OJAYA meditation technique.
Develop a Powerful Armor
of Clear, Calm Energy and Core Inner Strength with 10-20 minutes per day.

Take the 100% online OJAYA Deep Meditation Mastery Course and learn the rare “Armor” technique — for peace of mind, emotional balance, and deep, blissful meditation ancient secrets that you never knew before.

Take a deep breath and buckle your seatbelt!

Ojaya Deep Meditation Course

The Classic
“Armor of Core Inner Strength”

Knight in Kavach Armor

OJAYA: “The Meditation of Heroes”

The OJAYA Deep Meditation Armor technique washes away anxiety and depressing lethargy — as you build up an armor of core inner strength and clear, calm energy deep within you.

What is an Armor
Meditation Technique?

Kavach Shield for protection

O JAYA is an ancient Sanskrit word that means energy and strength.

The OJAYA Armor Technique is an extremely powerful, deep, blissful meditation that quickly yields maximum results without requiring long hours of practice.

Known as “The Meditation of Heroes,” OJAYA develops the esteemed qualities of valor, sharp intelligence, creativity, emotional balance, and heartfelt compassion — cherished heroic qualities that empower you to also soothe and aid the suffering of others.

With 10-20 minutes per day, this rare, classic Armor technique attacks stress and builds up a powerful “armor” of core inner strength — to shield and protect you from the tensions and stresses of everyday living.

For the first time ever, Sukaishi David reveals the closely-guarded secrets of the OJAYA Armor Technique on this sublime series of self-paced video Lessons produced with love in the Earthborn Rainforest …

Now is the very best time to take the OJAYA Deep Meditation Course — during our “Open-Door” enrollment period and experience the rare potency of OJAYA for yourself …

The Secret to OJAYA

The Calming Power of Deep Resonance

Middle-age woman practicing Ojaya mantra mindfulness

The OJAYA Armor Technique penetrates deep within you to quickly retune and harmonize your entire system. You develop an “Armor” of calm, inner strength.

How does OJAYA work?

Using the power of deep resonance, OJAYA quickly dissolves anxiety and stress as it works to retune, harmonize and restore balance to your mind, body and emotions.

Think of it this way:

To feel happy and content, your mind and emotions must function together in harmony — like a well-tuned orchestra …

Man who feels anxious, depressed, and stressed
Whenever you feel peaceful, happy and content, your mind and emotions are functioning together in harmony, like a well-tuned orchestra.

But when tensions accumulate within you, they attack and disturb your inner harmony like the grating effects of an orchestra that is out of tune, and out of sync.

Then your state of consciousness feels anxious, worried, depressed …

… and stressed …

Man who feels anxious, depressed, and stressed
Whenever your inner harmony is disturbed, you will feel tension, pressure, anxiety and low energy.

But ancient meditation masters had a powerful ancient solution for anxiety and stress …

The Calming Power of Deep Resonance

Long ago, meditation masters discovered the power of the OJAYA “Armor” Mantra — a series of simple, beautiful sounds you will easily learn.

One of the cherished secrets of the OJAYA “Armor” Mantra is how it works on the adept principles of music — harmony, vibration, frequency — to instantly create a soothing and healing resonance throughout your mind, body, and your entire consciousness.

Have you ever tried
mantra meditation …
with little results?

If you’ve ever tried meditation with a mantra, and had little results, then listen up:

Many mantras taught today are actually intended for MONKS, and do not support the dynamic lifestyles of people who live in the real world (see the section further below).

The OJAYA “Armor” Mantra is a rare, top-tier power mantra — and completely different from the common generic mantras that you may have learned elsewhere.

How is the OJAYA Armor Mantra different?

This supremely potent Armor mantra generates a soothing resonance that aggressively attacks and dissolves anxiety, lethargy and stress — as it actively awakens the deeper levels of your consciousness.

OJAYA is simple
and easy.

Unlike generic mantras that take only a minute to learn, the OJAYA “Armor” mantra does require a few blissful video Lessons to learn properly.

And it’s easy! We teach people of all ages — even in their 90s! — so everyone can easily learn the OJAYA mantra and immediately experience its extraordinary potency.

Equally important to learning the OJAYA mantra, you must also learn the proper technique of how to effortlessly meditate with this rare “Armor” mantra.

Right away you’ll begin to experience this power of deep resonance as the OJAYA “Armor” mantra quickly works to dissolve anxiety and stress and restore you to your natural state of inner harmony.

“Future medicine will be the medicine of frequencies.”
— Albert Einstein

As you silently meditate with the OJAYA “Armor” mantra, the soothing, uplifting resonance pulls you gently inwards. This harmonizing effect penetrates deep within you to rapidly calm your brain, attack deep-rooted stress, balance your emotions, and wash away the fatigue of a busy workday.

The OJAYA “Armor” technique is secretly hailed throughout the ages as the supreme and most powerful method of classic deep meditation, due to its ability to quickly eliminate anxiety and stress with its deep, penetrating resonance.

However, the authentic secrets of the rare OJAYA “Armor” technique were hidden and forgotten to the people of today’s generation … until now … *

$*Read later: The Story of OJAYA on page 4 …
India man practices the OJAYA Armor technique

The OJAYA Armor technique rapidly develops peace of mind and core inner strength to uplift your entire life.

OJAYA Deep Meditation course

Here’s your first Lesson:

(from the complete OJAYA Deep Meditation Course)


Is your meditation

And what exactly is an "Armor" meditation mantra?

Here are 21 important things you need to know:

A Sword of Truth Lesson

by Sukaishi David

Is your

And what exactly is a
meditation mantra,

Here are 21 important things you need to know:

A Sword of Truth Lesson

Sukaishi David

And what exactly is a
meditation mantra,

Here are 21 important things you need to know:


OJAYA is a rare, ancient technique.

Closely-guarded from the mainsteam for centuries to maintain its pristine purity, this is the first time OJAYA has ever been offered to sincere seekers around the world.


OJAYA is deep meditation.

Completely different from mindfulness, guided meditations and watching your breath, OJAYA takes you far beyond the "the present moment" that is happening all around you.

Your awareness takes a 180 degree turn to dive deeply inwards ... to a profound state of peace and rest.


The OJAYA technique uses a rare "Armor" power mantra.

Mantras are simple, beautiful, organic sounds whispered by Mother Nature herself.

Mantras are the language of Nature.

Next time you're walking in the forest, listen carefully. Mother Nature is humming all around you with the soothing, organic sounds … of mantras!


Mantras were discovered ...

… in the deep green forests by ancient sages, as they sat immersed in the tranquility of their meditations.

An example of what they heard is the basic “OM” mantra.

In addition to basic mantras, the sages also discovered the blissful potency of the OJAYA "Armor" mantra.


The OJAYA "Armor" mantra works like music — through the power of deep resonance.

Once you learn the secrets of how to unlock the potency of the OJAYA "Armor" mantra — through effortless meditation technique — then your consciousness resonates to a coherent state in just a few minutes. You become infused with peace, energy, and renewed enthusiasm.


The OJAYA "Armor" mantra is
not an affirmation.

Many people think that mantras are phrases such as "May my mind be at ease." However, these are not actually mantras — these are called affirmations.

Mantras are not concepts, ideas or peaceful self-talk. Mantras work solely on the principle of deep resonance. Mantras do not rely on contemplation of a phrase or idea you might happen to like.

Consider this: What is the “meaning” of a Mozart symphony? Whether it’s Mozart or mantras, it's the resonance that creates the harmony within you.

Verbal affirmations have their value, but they lock your mind onto the surface thinking levels and do not take you to the deepest, quiet, blissful depths of your inner Self.

To quickly go deep in your meditation — to attack, dissolve and wash away the most deeply-rooted stresses — you need a highly-potent "Armor" mantra.


OJAYA means energy and strength.

As you meditate, the potent OJAYA "Armor" mantra vibrates deep within you to strengthen your mind, your heart, and your entire system. You develop extraordinary depth of consciousness — an everyday peace of mind with serene energy that protects your emotions from the stresses and tensions of daily living.


The OJAYA "Armor" mantra pulls you deeply inwards.

The pure, soothing resonance of the OJAYA "Armor" mantra is one of the cherished secrets that allows you to fully relax your mind and body.

Your awareness is guided gently inwardseffortlesslya deep, refreshing dive into the calm ocean of your Being.

This unique ability to effortlessly draw you inwards is a key reason why OJAYA is closely guarded throughout the centuries as the #1 technique for easy, blissful, deep meditation.


OJAYA is deeply cleansing.

The soothing resonance of the OJAYA "Armor" mantra penetrates deep within your subtle nerves — called nadis.

These blissful energies work to cleanse, unblock and awaken the entire electrical network that connects your body, mind, and emotions.

View this graphic in landscape mode to see details:


OJAYA removes brain fog and mind chatter.

Silent meditation with the OJAYA "Armor" technique quickly dissolves the frenzy in your brain and creates a soothing comfort throughout your entire body and being.

Your mind becomes clear and calm.


OJAYA is restful ...

The OJAYA "Armor" technique coaxes you deep within to a profound state of deep rest called samadhi — that is far deeper than your sleep at night.

This exquisite level of rest rejuvenates you with dynamic energy in 10-20 minutes.


The OJAYA Anti-Anxiety "Armor" technique shields you from stress.

If you feel anxious, there is a reason for it.

Classic meditation masters say your inner harmony has become disturbed. Like the grating sounds of an out-of-tune orchestra, you will naturally feel tension and strain whenever your inner harmony is broken.

These ancient masters have a simple and easy remedy ...


The OJAYA Deep Meditation Course was produced here at our School in the Earthborn Rainforest.

Ojaya Deep Meditation Course

The potent vibration of the OJAYA "Armor" mantra penetrates deep within you with its deeply calming, energizing resonance.

This soothing, healing vibration quickly retunes and reharmonizes your entire system ... in mere minutes.

The anxiety dissolves and evaporates.

Ancient sages recommended OJAYA as the #1 fastest technique to defeat anxiety and empower you with serene energy.


The OJAYA "Armor" mantra — and how to use it — cannot be learned from books or apps.

OJAYA is taught exclusively here online with exquisite video Lessons — produced in the Earthborn Rainforest — plus live personal, heart-to-heart private sessions with Sukaishi David via phone, Zoom, Skype or WhatsApp.


Don’t be a mantra guinea pig.

It is unwise to make up your own mantra or meditation practice — or just sit to "do whatever." We do not know what longterm effects will come your way with a mish-mash of various mental experiments.

Better to stick with the authentic OJAYA "Armor" mantra and the time-honored classic technique of OJAYA Deep Meditation ... hidden and closely-guarded for centuries to maintain the pristine purity of the teachings.


The OJAYA Deep Meditation Course was produced here at our School in the Earthborn Rainforest.


The OJAYA "Armor" technique awakens your consciousness.

With daily dips into the restful, tranquil depths of your inner Self, something new happens ...

... The deeper levels of your consciousness begin to wake up.

New talents and fresh creative energies emerge within you as you experience ever deeper revelations and insights.

Higher states of realization dawn within your awareness.


OJAYA is the "fast track" technique of ultra-deep meditation ...

... for health, happiness, and higher states of consciousness.

For example:

OJAYA is far superior to generic breath practices such as watching your breath ... because ...

Breath Meditation practices and "watching the breath" are the "slow boat"

"Watching the breath" is a basic generic method.

A. A slow, arduous way to meditate that requires a much longer time to achieve results

B. "Watching the breath" doesn't add any advanced technology to your meditation. (You're always breathing anyway.)

C. Your constant efforts to focus on your breath keep you directed 100% outwards — on the breath — which restrains you from going deep within to attain the deep fruits of meditation.

Mantra meditation is the fast track for quick results.

OJAYA is powerful adept meditation technology.

A. The deeply soothing vibration of the OJAYA "Armor" mantra is the easiest, fastest way to gain an everyday state of clear, calm energy and core inner strength.

B. The rare, highly potent OJAYA "Armor" mantra adds a new energizing frequency and harmonizing resonance to your consciousness that wasn't there before.

C. Silent meditation with the OJAYA "Armor" mantra pulls your awareness inwards ... gently and effortlessly ... to calm your mind and rejuvenate you with serene, blissful energy — in just 10-20 minutes.

OJAYA is the fast track!



"If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration."

— Nikola Tesla

The soothing sound of the OJAYA "Armor" mantra acts like a sort of computer code that resonates deep within your consciousness — to awaken the deeper levels of your talents and dormant inner potentials.


Are you a monk?

Or do you live in the real world?

Most meditation methods today are actually geared for MONKS . These practices are not properly suited to the dynamic, active lifestyles of the "householder."


Monk [sanyasi] practices gradually create a passive, detached and reclusive state of mind, and are best suited to people with cloistered objectives.

The OJAYA technique uses a rare Householder [grihastha] "Armor" mantra — specifically for people who want deep inner peace along with outer successes in life. This expansive meditation supports the goals of families, business people, the arts and sciences, and those who want to enjoy and share happiness with others.

Big shock for many longtime meditators: As stated in the ancient Shastras (precepts of the enlightened sages), meditation on “OM” [omkara ka japa] is a monk practice (which is why it is most suggested by monks!). With prolonged meditation on "OM," the mind becomes more and more introverted as one gradually begins to lose interest in life.

On the OJAYA Deep Meditation Course, you will also learn why Buddhist mantras and meditations were originally intended for monks, and how these practices work to create a more passive, non-social state of mind.

In stark contrast to reclusive monk practices, OJAYA is the supremely powerful "Armor" meditation technique, specifically geared for outgoing people who lead dynamic, active lifestyles.

OJAYA cultures a deep inner awakening — in addition to supporting your goals for happiness, wealth and success in the real world.


OJAYA: the "Meditation of Heroes"

In addition to intensive anxiety relief, this rarest and most potent "Armor" meditation develops the esteemed qualities of valor, inner strength, calm emotional balance and heartfelt compassion.

Daily practice of OJAYA for 10-20 minutes protects your mind and emotions as it aggressively attacks and dissolves stress — so you can meet your everyday challenges head-on ... with an Armor of clear, calm, dynamic energy.


OJAYA benefits add up!

The longer you enjoy and practice the OJAYA technique, new blissful energies soon accumulate and strengthen — deep within you — to support your goals and your higher achievements in life.



Mantra Meditation
is much more ...

... than merely closing your eyes and thinking a mantra.

Without proper technique, the mantra won't resonate deep within you.

It's super easy, but there's an ART to it!


Our takeaway for today:

Mantras hold many secrets that you will cherish for your lifetime.

We invite you to register for the OJAYA Deep Meditation Foundation Lessons — and begin your journey right now, 100% online!

Love and blessings,

Sukaishi David

Sukaishi is the founder of the OJAYA School of Deep Meditation, headquartered in the Earthborn Rainforest.

Are you ready to
begin the adventure?

Take the Course.

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. . . register below . . .

Course Graduates

“I wish I had this OJAYA Armor meditation 40 years ago!”

When seniors often say this, Sukaishi David tells them: “It’s never too late — to meditate!” And to young people: “Listen to your elders!”

Got questions?

We've got answers!

We're real live people who volunteer our time to bring peace of mind to a frazzled world.

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Pause ... Take a breath ...

Read these pages mindfully to discover long-lost secrets of deep, blissful meditation — from our not-for-profit rainforest school ...

. . . then register FREE below . . .

Top 10 Reasons
why people learned the

Deep Meditation

"Armor" Technique

I was attacked by ANXIETY
and STRESSSolve this

I was tired and DEPRESSED. 
Solve this

I needed deep, restful,
rejuvenating SLEEP.  Learn how

I was exhausted from work. I needed ENERGY and SUCCESS for more leisure time.  Here's how

I needed anti-aging HEALTH and HEALING ... with renewed YOUTHFUL vitality.  See how

I always got bored when I would
try to WATCH my BREATHSolve this

GUIDED meditations quickly evaporate. They never gave me permanent PEACE of mind.  Learn why

I got frustrated trying to be MINDFUL all the time; I just wanted calm, effortless presence.  View special Lesson on MINDFULNESS

I wanted to open
my HEART.  Learn how

10 I was finally ready for deep
INNER AWAKENING.  Learn the secret

Learn more:


Adventure through
these pages ...


OJAYA: the Martial Art of Deep Meditation

Home page

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The Story
Sukaishi David

— Bio —

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Ancient Secrets

The story of deep meditation

The OJAYA Deep Meditation Course — lovingly featured in:

Are you ready for deep,
blissful meditation?

Learn the rare, closely-guarded
ancient secrets of

We'll share with you this ancient OJAYA Armor Meditation technique . . .
. . . if you will pause . . .
. . . take a breath . . .

. . . and learn with gratitude.


Register free

Our mission is . . . to share the rare secrets of OJAYA Deep “Armor” Meditation — closely-guarded teachings hidden for centuries, pure and unpolluted by the modern self-help marketplace.

©MMXXIII The not-for-profit school of the OJAYA Dharma Sangha
in the Earthborn Rainforest Telephone: 641-472-3300

l  Ready for clear, calm energy?
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